Generally, land in a sub-division, near a city, near a ski area, in a prime vacation area or with dramatic views will command a higher price. Land in remote areas, with poor access or with a north facing building site will sell for a lower price. Construction costs when you do build will be highest in ski areas and places with large numbers of vacation and second homes. Costs to build in semi-rural areas, on the edges of cities and in places where suburban builders work will be more reasonable. Surprisingly, construction costs in the remote and rural areas will not be much different.
Buying land adjacent to open space or government land has the advantages of feeling larger, being more privaye, but may cost more.
Some of the aspects to consider about land before you purchase depend on your planned use. Will the site be a future vacation home or a full time home? Will there be children? Are they school age and will they ride a bus to a local school? Is there convenient access to the things you like and need? Ski areas, restaurants, shops and airports?
David Elfring Architect will make a site visit to your property, newly bought or still being considered. He will visit a site in most parts of Colorado within about a four hour drive from Castle Rock, Colorado. He will discuss with you; potential house sites, access, utilities, budgets and your requirements. Stakes will be placed to allow for future soil tests and a contour survey. The Architect has made these consulting visits near Walsenburg, Canon City, Fairplay, Salida and other spots in Colorado. Consulting fees begin at $500.
Photos, in the order shown;
Lyon cabin, Fox Adres Country Club, Red Feather Lakes, Colorado, before & after
Schurr residence, Fraser, Colorado, before & after.
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